

(Camp buildings will be established summer 2024/winter 2025)

Cabin with 2x4 beds where there is also a few seats and table, kitchen area with gas stove, large dining area for everyone, heating with kerosene stove. Seperate toilet building.

There are mattresses in all beds, but you bring your own sleepingbag.

There will be small tents you can use if you prefer to sleep outside.

You fetch water from the river for cooking etc.

You cook, tidy up and clean yourself.

General food is included, there will be breakfast cereals, bred and cold meats, rice, pasta, coffe, tea, sugar, milk lemonade etc. But if you want soft drinks, alcohol, sweets and chips etc. you must bring that yourself.

The guidebrings some musk-ox or caribou meat for the first day or two, but after that the dinner is the fish you catch.

There will be firewood, and a hot smoker if you want to grill or hotsmoke your fish.

We dont keep the cabin locked during the trip, so leave valuables in town or take them with you when you go fishing.

The weather can vary, so remember rainwear and rubber boots, moaquito net and repellent. A nosquito-proof shirt and thin gloves combined with a mosquito net and cap underneath works really well. While its not recommended to wear clothes where mosguitoes can penetrate, especially on the shoulders and other exposed places where the clothes are tight.