
Trips 2025 and prices

Following trips are planned for 2025:

Trip 1 - 30/6 to 6/7

Trip 2 - 7/7 to 13/7

Trip 3 - 14/7 to 20/7

Trip 4 - 21/7 to 27/7

First date is when you must arrive here in Kangerlussuaq, around mid day. Second date is when we return to Kangerlussuaq, so you should not expect to be able to get a flight on that return day.

So for example Trip 1: You arrive here on the 30/6 where we go to camp in the afternoon. We return to Kangerlussuaq on the 6/7 at the end of the day, and can then fly home the 7/7.

In 2025, we have no plans for trips later, but in subsequent years there will be trips until mid September.

Introductory price is dk/kr 11.200,- (1.500 euro)

If you think the trips are to short, they you can book two subsequent trips, paying just 50% for the second one.